
On the basis of the I.o.T. (Internet of Things) concept, users can obtain and share gaming performance data. Additionally, users are capable of analyze statistics records for improved strategies via data management on both PC or mobile devices – anytime anywhere. With Tt eSPORTS’ Plus+ mobile application, you can even review all recorded performance histories on your mobile devices.

Tt eSPORTS PLUS+ Mobile Application
This mobile application is an application made for Tt eSPORTS’ SMART SERIES peripherals that offers a user-friendly UI to record and display gaming performance statistics for Tt eSPORTS’ newly launched THERON PLUS+ Smart Mouse. With the Bluetooth 4.0 technology, it records gamers’ performance statistics to Tt eSPORTS PLUS+ application, breaking them down by distance, clicks, actions per minute, lift-offs and Top 10 hot keys; and further splitting by the minute and with average totals that make fun by gamification! The Mobile App also provides users a platform, Tt eSPORTS PLUS+ COMMUNITY & Data Management Platform to further analyze your stats, compare your usage with pro players & challenge your friends to mouse usage competitions.

Tt eSPORTS PLUS+ mobile application is currently available for download on both iOS and Android devices.


Users can choose the type of game they played to collect performance data.

ACTIVITIES Users can review all recorded performance data.

Allow users to know the total distance moved with the Smart Mouse in a gameplay. TOTAL ACTION Allow users to know the total count of clicks with the Smart Mouse in a gameplay. PERFORMANCE CHART Allow users to know all highest clicks achieved for every minute. CURRENT A.P.M. Allow users to know the current clicks completed within the current minute. MAX A.P.M. Allow users to know the maximum / highest clicks completed within a minute.

Allow users to know how many times users lifted the mouse during the gameplay. DISTANCE / min Allow users to know distance per minute the mouse has been in motion. CLICKS / min Allow users to know click per minute the mouse has been in motion.



CLICK NITRO Provide users an achievement (Dragon Point) whenever users reach 200 clicks. Dragon Points can be used on our Tt eSPORTS PLUS+ Community & Data Management for events created by Tt eSPORTS

Provide users an achievement (Dragon Point) whenever users reach 2000cm distance. Dragon Points can be used on our Tt eSPORTS PLUS+ Community & Data Management for events created by Tt eSPORTS



Allow users to share recorded performance data to social network (Facebook & Twitter) after gameplay has been completed.

A division of Thermaltake Gaming, Tt eSPORTS is a major driving force in inspiring, challenging, and taking eSports to new heights in the professional gaming industry. We do this through research, innovation and developing superior quality products from the ground up. Pro’s trust our gear because we equip them with everything they need to dominate in the lobby.